Wednesday 3 December 2014


Nederland is a small densely flat land populated country and is famous for Bicycle Riding as well as Cheese. The Dutch produce 650 million kilos of cheese every year and they are also the largest cheese exporter as two thirds of the cheese they manufacture will be exported to the world. 

Venlo is a city in the southeastern Nederland next to the German Border and it is situated in the province of Limburg. In the Venlo City, you can find a variety of shops, cafes and restaurants that accommodates to individual preferences.  

Some photos we took...

Venlo City Hall

Awesome lovely Frikandel Spezial 

Venlo @ Nederland is really a great place for families since it is like a hub centre where shopping can be done with ease and a wide range of product even some asian imports are saleable. A pretty city with bicycles where people could transport with ease and convenience. It is also a cheese city and every supermarket have dedicated a corner with a wide range of varieties from Gouda Cheese to Blue Cheese. So definitely check them out when you are here! 

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