Monday 18 August 2014


Is insomnia one of your health concern?
Reasons arise can be due to school, work, stress, overloading amount of work on hand.

Sleep an hour later everyday to re-structure your body alarm.
Try to get a sleeping headphone as well as eye mask so that you could sleep better till the late morning when the streets are getting busy and sun is up.

Try this favourite product of mine ^.^
The cutie Panda Sleeping headphone <3
Get it at TYPO for $24.95
To me, sleep is really vital since it determines my ability to concentrate in class and even the way I take to travel to school. Be it a businessman or student, sleep is really important. It will also affect your ability to take in knowledge and apply concepts you learn in class. If you encounter sleeping problem,  always  give it attention and address it accordingly. It is your body!

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